Welcome to your fortnightly EFAD Newsflash – please share this important update with your colleagues and ask them to sign up to receive it too. Subscribe to this Newsflash ![]() EFAD News The new Kompass Nutrition & Dietetics is here ![]() The second issue of the journal is now live and covers the topic of malnutrition. Malnutrition is a major problem around the world. Up until 2018, there was no consensus on the definition of malnutrition. This issue features knowledge transfer articles written by experts from various EFAD European Specialist Dietetic Networks (ESDNs) which aim to bridge the gap between science and clinical practice. We will link to each of the individual articles from this issue in the coming Newsflashes. Enjoy reading! Read the journal now EFAD’s ESDN for Public Health responds to EU Commission proposal The ESDN PH welcomes the opportunity to respond to the working draft of the EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices and hopes its comments are helpful for this important deliverable of the Farm-to-Fork Strategy. Read the ESDN’s full response here. EFAD collaborates with international EU-funded project The Preventing obesity, sarcopenia, and sarcopenic obesity in retirement – digital personalized interventions for healthy nutrition and physical activity for seniors (SO-NUTS) project aims to provide insights to develop innovative strategies for preventing obesity, sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity – taking into account sociodemographic and health-related characteristics. SO-NUTS will design a personalised, cross-country application to empower people during and after retirement to lose weight while preserving muscle mass and function. Collaborators will test feasibility and effectiveness in a pilot study and secure implementation and dissemination through Europe and beyond. An article has already been published in Frontiers in Nutrition, which you can read here. ![]() Missed the Food Matrix webinar? Watch it back now Thank you to the 320 attendees who joined our live webinar on the food matrix earlier this month. This webinar, organised by EFAD and made possible through the support of the European Milk Forum, aimed to provide all the latest information and research outcomes on the effects of the dairy matrix on cardiometabolic health and bone health, based on insights into the food matrix concept. You can watch it back on demand. Congratulations to the winners of the EFAD – PROMISS High-Protein Meal for Older Adults Recipe Competition! ![]() The recipes have now been judged, and we would like to thank all of you who submitted 108 interesting, delicious and high-quality recipes for older adults. The winning recipes, which are in line with PROMISS findings, sustainable and easy to be cooked by older adults, are: GOLD: Dorka Krisztina Vajdovich – Fish-chickpea ‘balls’ with beetroot quinoa risotto SILVER: Rossy Paulina Guzmán López – Soy bolognese with brown rice BRONZE: Sena Aydoğdu – Multigrain Rice: Japgok-bap (잡곡밥) Congratulations to the three winners! Find out more here. Spotlight: ESDN Oncology Committee An update on what the ESDN Oncology Committee has been working on. We’ve had a busy year and welcomed new members! -We commented on the European Cancer Patient Coalition Patient stories booklet from a dietitian’s perspective, collaborated on their Cancer Related Complications and Comorbidities Initiative – including on the white paper – and an EFAD member presented during their webinar. -We also collaborated with European Oncology Nursing Society on NutriCaNurse.This project produced an abstract for ESMO, a scientific paper that is currently being submitted for publication, and a booklet. We also contributed to a Webinar and Twitter chat in 2020. -We’ve collaborated with European Nutrition for Health Alliance (ENHA) and represented EFAD during their EU4Nutrition LIVE event in April. -We’ve worked hard contributing to guidelines including European Society of Gynaecological Oncology’s ESGO Advanced Ovarian Cancer Perioperative management Guidelines. -We’ve delivered webinars on the topic of nutrition-related patient-reported outcomes with ENDietS. Help us form a new thematic network The ESDN has worked together with ENHA, the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism and several other organisations to prepare a proposal to form a Thematic Network on Integrated Nutrition Cancer Care, under the European Commission’s public health area: Integrative Oncology in Patient-Centered Cancer Care. A joint statement has been submitted to the EU Health Policy Platform 2021. The European Commission will evaluate all proposals and select a maximum of six. These will be presented in a poll to the Agora Network (the main network of the EU Health Policy Platform), where all registered users of the platform will be allowed to vote. The poll will be open for three weeks. If the proposal passes the first stage, we will need your valuable contribution to the voting part. We would like to kindly ask you to register in advance in the EU Health Policy Platform to vote for the Thematic Network, as new registrations require approval and last-minute ones cannot be guaranteed. Joining the EU Health Policy Platform allows users to post news, create opinion polls, share upcoming events and attend webinars – plus it’s a great platform to promote EFAD activities and attract other disciplines to join them. ![]() News ![]() The International Year of Fruits and Vegetables: Find out more with this background paper This background paper outlines the benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption and examines the various aspects of the fruit and vegetable sector from a food systems approach: from sustainable production and trade to loss and waste management. Happy Food Safety Month! Following on from World Food Safety Day on 7 June, the International Life Sciences Institute wants to celebrate successes in this field. Learn more about its European FoodSafety4EU and Suit4Food projects and discover more food safety activities on its website. Statement by Commissioner Stella Kyriakides Health and Food Safety Commissioner Stella Kyriakides’ has released a statement to mark World Food Safety Day. She said: “This past year has opened up for the opportunity to build robust food systems for the future.” Click here to read the full statement. New WHO report assesses school food and nutrition policies ![]() This new WHO report presents the results of a scoping review conducted in 2019 to identify and map existing evidence on the effects of school food and nutrition policies on health-related outcomes in children of school age. School-based food and nutrition interventions were assessed in terms of the impacts in four key policy areas: the school community, the school curriculum, the school food and nutrition environment, and school nutrition and health services. Access it here. What are the best policies to tackle childhood obesity? Take the STOP survey The four-year Horizon 2020 funded project Science and Technology in Obesity Policy (STOP) is exploring relevant sectoral policies addressing the determinants of childhood obesity. STOP would welcome your views on this challenge to children’s health. Click here to take the survey. Find out more about STOP here. New article: Nutrition and Physical Activity measurement tools The Data Science Center has published a new article in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: “A Primer for the Evaluation and Integration of Dietary Intake and Physical Activity Digital Measurement Tools into Nutrition and Dietetics Practice”. The article discusses growing technology used to measure dietary intake and physical activity and how nutrition professionals are in a unique role to help develop, evaluate, and use them in routine nutrition care.The article discusses growing technology used to measure dietary intake and physical activity and how nutrition professionals are in a unique role to help develop, evaluate, and use them in routine nutrition care. Find out more here. ![]() Cost of PEN site licenses to be reduced next month Did you know, Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition: PEN ® offers site licences to education institutes, hospitals and departments? Each site license provides up to 30 members with access to the PEN system at no additional cost. The price of a site license will be reduced on 1 July from £1,950 to £1,615. Want to try PEN before purchasing a license? You can sign up for a free trial here Have you used the Food Systems Summit Dialogues? The Food Systems Summit Dialogues enable a standardised approach for the convening, curation and facilitation of purposeful and organised events that encourage a broad and diverse range of stakeholders to come together and share their experiences of food systems. EFAD was represented by Executive Director Judith Liddell in a EUFIC Dialogue on sustainable food systems earlier this year, which you can check out here. Find out more and access all the Dialogues here. Events and webinars If you’re attending a webinar or event that our members would love to hear about, let us know! We are calling for EFAD members to get involved in live sharing of key info and summaries from events and webinars you’re attending, so that we can share on the EFAD Twitter account. Get in touch if you’d like to get involved or find out more! 23 June, Hydration for Health Scientific Conference 2021 ![]() Discuss the latest research and findings on hydration science. We believe that you, researchers, scientists, experts are key to making a change. Register for free. 25 June, 2pm CEST, PROMISS final conference ![]() The conference will provide the opportunity to learn more about the importance of protein for older people, the PROMISS findings and evidence-based recommendations developed in the project. View the programme and register for free here. 25 June, World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM) 2021 Conference ![]() “Fresh food distribution in the post-COVID-19 world: Challenges, opportunities and pathways to ensure resilient and sustainable food systems and access to healthy diets” WUWM is organising this conference to exchange, debate and propose innovative and effective ways to recover from the adverse effects of the COVID crisis. During this one-day conference, high ranked experts will exchange their experiences during the pandemic, debate on lessons learned and propose innovative solutions to address the sector’s most pressing challenges. Find out more and register here. 25 – 26 June, Digital conference: Better nutrition for life: for now and generations to come ![]() To celebrate FrieslandCampina Institute’s 20th anniversary this year, international speakers will share their expertise on topics like the impact of nutrition on child and maternal health, healthy ageing, and the role of protein within a healthy and sustainable diet. Find the programme and sign up here. ![]() Subscribe to this Newsflash We hope you have enjoyed your latest EFAD Newsflash. Any feedback in regards to these communications, would be appreciated.To help spread the Voice of European Dietetics across the continent, please share widely with your colleagues and ask them to subscribe. Please send any items you wish to be included in the next edition and note that going forward, EFAD Newsflash will be sent fortnightly. |
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